Sunday, September 1, 2019

Sunrise or Sunset

Well I guess it is time for the season reflection post. Looking back 12 months, my swim has slowly improved. I also did a a lot of base running over the winter and that made a difference. I definitely have more run fitness but it remains a significant weak spot. My knee issues that started last year never went away and I regressed some on the bike. But I think I have finally solved that issue with my new bike fit.

My 2019 racing season was a mixed bag. I had some good success in some areas and not so much in others. I was super happy with my Trinona race. The run sucked when my hamstrings cramped up, but it was a pretty solid effort overall for me. I had a good swim/bike at Brewhouse, but the breathing thing got to me on the run. I am of course super happy with my effort and perseverance at Superiorman.

But I think I have discovered a big part of my problem with this exercise/extrinsic induced asthma. That for sure affected me in two, maybe three races this season and at least one last season. I think my main trigger is swimming? I have never had it during a practice open water swim though, so it isn’t about just being in the open water, or the cold water. But either way, perhaps treating it with an inhaler as suggested by the doctor I can prevent it from happening during a race, and I can see what I can really do.

So looking ahead, running continues to be an area of frustration and I considered giving it up completely and focusing on swim/bike races perhaps. I tossed around several ideas for next season. In then end, I had a good discussion with my coach and my wife and we decided not to give up on the running quite yet. I am however going to do a half aquabike race in Miami in November, just to see how I do with that kind of event. After that, offseason training will focus on continued base training in all 3 sports, with plans for sprint, oly and 70.3 distance triathlons again next year.

The picture at the top of this post could be a sunrise or a sunset. I guess that’s how I view this reflection. The sun is setting on another season, but just beginning to rise on the 2020 season and year 3 of my new triathlon addiction.

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