Thursday, March 29, 2018

Wisconsin Dells

So we packed up and headed to Wisconsin Dells for a couple of nights. We got a midweek room at the Wilderness Resort so we could have access to all their indoor waterpark areas. We did this a few years ago and had a blast. This year was no exception.

It was almost a 1/2 mile walk from our hotel room to the pools, so we definitely got some walking exercise in. We spent much of our time in the wave pools floating and splashing around in there, but we also did a bunch of tube rides too.

One afternoon we took some time off from the pools to relax in the hotel room and I headed out for a run. It was sunny and 55 degrees and for middle of March that is fantastic weather.

I had used Strava heat maps to find the common run areas around my hotel. The one I chose became rural in a hurry, but that wont last long. The picture above is looking East, but if I had turned around, the other direction is where all the resorts are. So this will soon be developed.

It was a hilly run, in fact I walked a little extra at the start just because it was a steep uphill from my hotel. But it certainly felt good to get outside.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Swim Progress

Every once in a while, the swim coach does what he terms a threshold test. 3x100 sprint with 30s rest between each 100. Trying to stay as consistent as posssible.

So the coach took it a bit easy on us today as he wanted a good threshold test at the end.

I was timed at 1:27, 1:30, 1:30 for the 3 intervals in the threshold test. I am very happy with that.

Last test was 1/25, and I was timed at 1:30, 1:32, 1:32, so I just keep chipping away.

My right calf cramped up on the first leg of the threshold test. I was able to get it functional during the 30 rest. That seems to happen every time we do this. Weird.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Missed Workouts

So I missed my Thursday core workout because I ended up falling asleep after dinner. Today I am skipping my run because my hamstring flared up, but I just finished a 90 minute massage too. We got the massages as anniversary gifts to ourselves. 

The conflict of guilt for missing workouts and the wonderful feeling post massage. But I think my body is telling me something so I had better listen.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

St. Thomas Swim Meet

Time for another masters swim meet. This time held at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul Minnesota. My daughter went with me for this one to help cheer me on and count for me during my 500 and 1000.

So my goals for the meet were to PR in the 500 and the 1000 free. I have some season long goals that I am trying to reach as well, but I am just working towards those at this point. I also wanted to PR in the 50 fly. My daughter had just had a PR in the 50 fly that was faster than mine, so I wanted to go out and try and be the fastest in the family again. I NEVER swim fly, so it will be fun. I was also signed up for 100 free and 50 back but those were just for fun.

It was a good swim meet. I met all my goals, including the season goals ahead of schedule! My two long swims were strong and steady. I actually had a bit left in the tank too. My 100 free was swum at a fast but not all out pace because my 500 was less than 15 minutes later but that turned out to be a big PR too. I also swam two relays for fun.

I also managed to become king of the family again when I took 6 seconds off my 50 fly time!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Triathlon Dreams

Does anyone else have triathlon related dreams? I just had my first last night. Involved a transition area by myself in a dirt parking lot and forgetting to do the swim.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Pain Cave Makover

My tween daughter is having a sleepover tonight so I need to get my basement pain cave picked up so the girls can have their bed and TV area all to themselves.

