My first scheduled run from my coach last week was to run at
my own pace and “just enjoy it.” I had to chuckle at that because I have yet to
really enjoy running. Running and I don’t have that kind of relationship. I
find it difficult, stressful, and frustrating at the lack of improvement and
Although I am middle of the pack in the swim and bike, I am
generally dead last in the run. It is really frustrating to see everyone easily
run fast. I have had a couple of injuries from running, so we have been taking
things really slowly too. I have employed a run/walk strategy measured in
seconds or minutes rather than miles or water stations. It’s just been really
tough. So I have decided to try and find a way to enjoy running like I enjoy
the other sports in triathlon.
So for this first run, I decided to go a totally different
route so that I had zero time expectations or experience. I turned off my
run/walk timer on my watch, and just set out at a pace I thought I could
maintain for a while with the plan to walk when I felt like walking.
My legs were still sore nearly a week after the race so they
felt pretty heavy on the run, but again I was just going to take what my body
would give me on a nice easy run. I focused mostly on my breathing, and let a nice
steady breathing pattern dictate the pace. I only looked at my HR once on my
watch. After 15 minutes I turned around and went home.
It was a good run. I wont say I enjoyed it, but I also
didn’t hate it.
A few days later I followed it up with another run with the
same expectations and basically the same new route. I found a good pace early,
steady breathing, HR reasonable and I just kept running at that pace. As I
passed the 1 mile mark I was still running, so I figured I would take a quick 1
minute walk break at the halfway point when I turned around at about 15
minutes. Well I stopped to take a picture of a couple of deer so my walk ended
up a bit longer than a minute, but thats ok. I am trying to find joy in my
running and seeing deer is a good start!
Then I started running the way home. Again basically the
same pace, tried to keep my breathing nice and even. Not looking at my watch
for most of it. I was feeling good so I figured I might as well try to get a 5k
in. So I extended my run a few extra minutes and another .33 miles to get
So that has to be the most I have run continuously in a long
time almost 14 minutes, and then close to 18 minutes continuous. My
observations on that were that it wasn't so bad aerobically, but I was feeling
it in my shins and ankles. Somehow the walk breaks that I take give those just
enough rest that they don't bother me generally.
Aerobically I felt great. I had fresh legs tonight for this
too which helps. Looking at my data my HR was good, pretty steady to just a
slow climb, my pace slowed a bit second half but that was pretty steady too.
Now people will laugh when they see the pace of my “run.” I
averaged a whopping 10:40/mi on that run. But I am happy with that. I achieved
something I haven’t done in a long time, I survived it without being super sore
or totally exhausted. So along with the deer sighting, I did prove to myself
that I have improved my run fitness over the last two years.
Something to build on!
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