Sunday, August 4, 2019

Brewhouse Olympic Race Report

I was up on time, gathered all my stuff and finished packing up the car. Then I headed downtown to pick up Amy. I loaded up her bike and we were off to the venue. We got there in plenty of time and had a relaxing set up. I talked to a few people that I knew and a few that I didn’t. The Olympic distance swim was the last to go after the sprinters so we had a bit of a wait. My friend Amy was also doing the Olympic distance and we agreed in the car, that she would beat me in the swim, I would pass her on the bike and she would pass me on the run.

The water was reported to be about 76 degrees and as I donned my wetsuit and headed into the water, it felt about that warm. So I knew I was going to have the same feeling of being too warm that I had at Trinona. I did a brief swim just to get used to it and then waited for the start. While waiting I ran into Elaine Nelson. She was in one of my early tri-swim classes at the Y. That was before I knew she was one of the top female triathletes in the state. She asked why I haven’t been swimming with the group on Fridays. Hopefully I will get back with the group this fall. She is faster than me in the pool, but not by much so it will be good to keep pushing me.

Then it was time to start. My first wave start race. There was only about 20 guys in my wave and we had a nice wide area so basically we were 1 deep. At the start, I just kinda let people go a bit so I could sort out how I was going to get through. Soon I settled into a rhythm and we were off.

I took a quick look at my watch as I made the turn for home about 1000 yards in, and saw 14 minutes so I figured I was doing pretty well. I was hot in my wetsuit again. Mostly my arms were hot. I might need to invest in a sleeveless wetsuit for these warmer but wetsuit legal races.

The swim was pretty spread out pretty quickly so I didn't have any issues with people. When I stood up in the water at the end of the swim my watch read 24 and change. It took a bit to get out of the water and then there is a HUGE hill you have to climb to get up to transition. So I took that pretty slow.

Overall super happy with my swim. Right where I wanted to be. As a side note, my friend Amy had the fastest overall swim time, and she started in the wave in front of me. She also leaves for Korea to swim in the FINA Masters World Championships in a few days.

27:18, 27/70 overall, 19/43 men, 4/7 age group

There was a big hill to climb up before hitting the timing mats to I took that slow and then jogged through transition. My wetsuit came off pretty easily this time! I put on my shoes and socks grabbed my helmet and I was off. My wife yelled “go catch Amy!”

3:00 57/70 overall, 33/43 men, 6/7 age group

The weather for biking was darn near perfect. Temps were in the upper 70’s but basically no wind, so this was going to be a fast day. I didn’t have a power meter on my bike today so I was going by HR only and wanting to keep that in the 160’s as that should be a hard effort.

The bike went about as good as I could hope. The biggest problem I had was that I just couldn't catch my breath. It started on the swim. I just felt a bit constricted in my breathing during the swim. Not panicking, just not quite right. Then on the bike I was breathing really hard, and really shallow the whole time. I tried going a bit slower at the start but it just didn't do anything at all. I tried taking in deeper breaths but that wasn't working either so I just went with it.

I passed a bunch of people on the bike, and according to Strava I set PR's in all the segments on the course :-)  But I didn't think I was doing that well because I was breathing so hard to do it. I kept a pretty steady RPE, and my HR which started in the upper 160's pretty much stayed there the whole time.

I passed Amy at mile 8 and took a big lead against her into the run.

I tried eating a cliff bar on the bike and nearly choked. It turns out I can't eat solid food when I am breathing that fast.

By the end of the bike my butt/legs were hurting from the seat. I haven't ridden with my tri-suit on since my fitting and it is mighty painful. The KNEE was GREAT! No issues all with the knee but 1 hour on the bike was it for my ass.

I am SUPER happy with the result. 15th fastest guy on the bike today (out of 43), but only 4/7 in my age group. I HATE my age group. These guys are just too good.

1:09:36, 16/70 overall, 15/43 men, 4/7 age group

My butt hurt so bad from the bike, and I was still breathing hard so I ended up walking my bike through transition just to try and calm my breathing down some. I racked my bike, swapped my shoes, grabbed my race belt and then took a swig of water from a bottle I had in transition. YUCK! It was SUPER warm water from sitting in the sun all day. LOL, lesson learned.
2:40 67/70 overall, 40/43 men, 7/7 age group

So I have a great swim, and a great bike and then I get to the run.

I start out the run and my breathing is still a big struggle, so after about a minute or so of running I started walking. My HR wasn't bad at all, just in the 160's but it was my breathing. After about a minute of walking I finally got my breathing under control.

So then I started to run again, and I basically just timed my walks around my breathing pattern. When my breathing got to the point where I couldn't hold a conversation then I would walk for a bit.
The run segments were incredible slow, and it was HOT!!! It was over 80F on the run course. There was some shade, which helped. Water over my head, down my back and drinking some too at each aid station. Everyone that passed me (and that was A LOT of people) were great and encouraging. At one point at the very end I got passed by a woman and as she passed me she said “good job sir, you are almost done!” She called me “sir” on the race course?

I saw Amy after I had already made the turnaround, and she passed me with about a mile to go. She was struggling with the heat too. Overall she ended up beating me by just 23 seconds.

I crossed the finish line with a smile on my face and a PA announcer who knew me and is a part time comedian. My family was there to cheer me on too so it was a good day.

1:14:14, 67/70 overall, 40/43 men, 7/7 age group

Overall Results
2:56:46, 48/70 overall, 35/43 men, 6/7 age group

Final Thoughts
I am SO disappointed with my running. It makes the whole thing so frustrating. Makes me wonder why I do all this training only to just totally suck at running come race day.

My age group is so ridiculously competitive. All I want is to be the middle of the pack and I would have to shave off 25 minutes from this time to finish 4th in my age group. That means a crazy fast run for me, and it might just never be in the cards.

Overall I didn't meet my time goal but came close. I did come close to my stretch goals in the swim and bike and would have crushed my overall time goal if my run had been a bit better.

I always remember where I came from 2 years ago, and I am proud of my accomplishments.

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