Thursday, July 18, 2019

Back in the Pool

It has been a month since I swam so I was curious how being back in the pool would feel. How much did I lose? Tuesday morning I did a swim workout that I have done before with 10x100 and 5x200 that I try to do at my long distance race pace. Those went pretty well, I managed to maintain pretty close to the pace I wanted. Then the set of 50 sprints at the end also went ok. I wasn’t blazing, but I was right around where I thought I would be.

Thursday I was back in the pool for a bit of a reverse of Tuesday’s workouts. A long set of 50 sprints then a few 100’s at the end. So I went into the 50’s shooting to try and keep it under a goal time for all of them. The first 50 went well, just under that goal time, but I felt that my tempo was too fast, certainly not something I could maintain. So I worked on slowing it down with long powerful strokes. The second 50 was then 3s under the goal time! Sweet, I kept it right around 3-4s under the goal time the entire time which really surprised me.

It also seems like the resting time between sprints seems to go faster as the set goes on? Weird time warp?

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