Friday, May 31, 2019

My First Strava KOM

It was really nice this morning and then the wind shifted this afternoon to be off Lake Superior and it was in the 50's with a wind chill in the 40's by the time I went riding. I had my bike jacket on tonight and I was probably a bit warm with it on but I would have been really cold without it.

I decided to do my "one hour loop" via Schultz road. I was feeling pretty good after the first 10-15 minutes and decided to push the effort some like I would in a race. On the hilly section my goal was to not shift down into the small ring (succeeded). I know I was able to do that last summer so I should be able to this summer as well. It takes a lot of effort though.

Once out of the hilly section it was just cruising at what felt like a 6-7RPE in some mostly flat to gentle rolling roads.

Then I made the turn for home. Wind was mostly a cross wind and I pushed it pretty hard. About halfway through the trees went away and the wind was a bit more of a factor and a just kept pushing at about a 7-8RPE and when I got home, I finally got the Strava KOM for that segment.

I was actually pretty shocked by the average and NP on this ride. I didn't think it was that high. So apparently I can still put out some power when I want to and it gives me some confidence to go and do it.

I need to ice my knee tonight though.

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