Sunday, June 28, 2020

A Triathlon...Sort of

 A local friend wanted to do his own personal 70.3, so I decided to join him for the swim. I had a longer bike on the training schedule as I slowly ramp up to my first century ride, so I would do that alone and although I have started running again some, I am nowhere near capable of a half marathon.

There were 3 of us that did the swim today. It was flat calm out there and a good day to swim. The water is getting warm enough now that I am actually getting a little warm in my full sleeve wetsuit. I might need to use my sleeveless next time.

The 75 mile bike totally sucked.

I didn't feel good the entire ride. It started right away with my stomach just not feeling right and that lasted most of the ride. The last hour I just had nothing.

The weather was warm in the low to mid 80's for much of the ride. Being from Duluth, that is HOT, and much warmer than I am used to. I am 99% sure I am just super dehydrated. I just didn't drink enough before the swim and in transition and I just couldn't seem to get enough water while biking.

I figured I did 2 legs of a triathlon I should at least do some amount of running and finish it. I figured 1 mile was PLENTY! So just an out and back from my car. It was so hot. I was tempted to jump into the lake to cool off prior to my run. But honestly this would be a perfect triathlon for me. Medium swim, long bike, and a 1 mile run, all with untimed transitions!

It was fun and I am glad I did it. Keep learning.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Beautiful Morning for a Swim

 A few of us gathered at Skeeter's cabin on Shultz Lake for an open water swim, followed by a pot luck breakfast. It was the most amazing morning yet for a swim. Calm waters, warm temps, and good people. The time in the water is just an escape from the pressures of life, and chatting with friends and sharing a socially distant meal brings about a small sense of normalcy.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


 I see a lot of wildlife on the road when I am biking. Birds, rodents, deer and even a bear. But today was the first time I have ever seen a turtle. I didn't see one I actually saw THREE. Two were right near each other trying to cross the road, and the third was probably 3 miles further down the road. Big snapping turtles it turns out.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Open Water Swimming

 Well the ice is off the lakes, and the water temp is kinda warm enough to start swimming. With the pools still closed due to COVID, I gotta get my swimming in however I can. There is a small group of local athletes that are going to get together 2-3 days a week to open water swim at the various lakes.

So far it has been Pike Lake and Island Lake, but we hope to hit a couple of others including Lake Superior this summer.

It is actually nice to get out and talk to real people and not just via Zoom or Teams meetings. I do 99% of my training alone anyway, but with COVID, my interactions with others has been limited, so this is good for me.